Projected Growth in Legal Careers

Projected Growth in Legal Careers

Projected growth in legal careers is a crucial consideration for both aspiring and current law students. Those currently working toward or planning to pursue a degree in the legal profession will, of course, want to be aware of which law practice areas are in demand...
A Day in the Life of a Part-Time Law Student at Western State

A Day in the Life of a Part-Time Law Student at Western State

Interested in going to law school? Curious what it would be like to balance working full time and attending classes? We had the opportunity to hear from Joseph Massey, one of our part-time law school students, who took time out of his busy schedule to share a glimpse...
Waitlisted for Law School: What to Do Next

Waitlisted for Law School: What to Do Next

Law school is an attractive option for those looking to pursue diverse career opportunities and create meaningful impact. With many students vying for admission into top law schools, the application process can be highly competitive. The Law School Admission Council...
Western State Alumni Network: How to Get Involved and Give Back

Western State Alumni Network: How to Get Involved and Give Back

The Western State College of Law Alumni Network is made up of nearly 12,000 individuals, including judges, district attorneys, public defenders, city attorneys, corporate counsel and private practitioners throughout the nation. The alumni network was developed with...