A Day in the Life of a Part-Time Law Student at Western State

A Day in the Life of a Part-Time Law Student at Western State

Interested in going to law school? Curious what it would be like to balance working full time and attending classes? We had the opportunity to hear from Joseph Massey, one of our part-time law school students, who took time out of his busy schedule to share a glimpse...
Waitlisted for Law School: What to Do Next

Waitlisted for Law School: What to Do Next

Law school is an attractive option for those looking to pursue diverse career opportunities and create meaningful impact. With many students vying for admission into top law schools, the application process can be highly competitive. The Law School Admission Council...
Francisco Navarro Appointed to the Bench

Francisco Navarro Appointed to the Bench

Francisco Navarro (Class of 2006) has been appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to serve as a judge in the Riverside County Superior Court. Prior to his appointment, Judge Navarro served as a Deputy District Attorney at the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office....