Professor of Law; Director, Criminal Law Practice Center



J.D., University of Miami School of Law
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles


Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Law of Vice
Juvenile Law
Criminal Justice Ethics


Professor Jones earned her Bachelor’s Degree from U.C.L.A. and her Juris Doctor from the University of Miami. Prior to her career in academia she worked as a criminal defense lawyer, handling misdemeanor and felony cases from arraignment through trial. She also worked extensively with children, representing them in delinquency matters in juvenile court. Professor Jones was voted “Professor of the Year” by the Western State student body in 2011, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, and 2023.

You can view Professor Jones’ research on her SSRN Author page: http://ssrn.com/author=1641671


  • Crim Pro, Rewired: Why Current Police Practices Require Candor in the Classroom, 21 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 541 (2023)
  • Thank You for Your Service: Acknowledging Our Inadequate Treatment of Jurors in California’s Death Penalty Debate, Calif. Lawyers Assoc., Crim. L. J. (Spring 2019) (with Sydney L. McGregor)
  • Possible Problems at the San Clemente Checkpoint, 6 Va. J. Crim. L. 43 (2018)
  • The Good and (Breaking) Bad of Deceptive Police Practices, 45 N.M. L. Rev. 523 (2015)
  • The Ascending Role of Crime Victims in Plea-Bargaining and Beyond, 117 W. Va. L. Rev. 100 (2014)
  • Understanding and Utilizing Marsy’s Law, 55 Orange County Lawyer 11 (2013) (with Michael L. Fell)
  • Judges: Family Law, CULTURAL SOCIOLOGY OF DIVORCE: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA, 626-629 (Robert E. Emery ed., 2013)
  • Questioning a Juvenile’s Capacity for Criminal Liability in Street Gangs Post-J.D.B. v. North Carolina, 32 Child. Legal Rts. J. 1 (2012)
  • Disproportionate Representation of Minority Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: A Lack of Clarity and Too Much Disparity among States ‘Addressing’ the Issue, 16 U.C. Davis J. Juv. L. & Pol’y 155 (2012)
  • School Daze: A Proposal for Education Code Reform in California, 40 Sw. L. Rev. 425 (2011)
  • Developing Students’ Identities as Legal Apprentices Through Interaction with Lawyers and Judges in a First Year Legal Writing Course, 25 Second Draft 10 (2011) (with Lori A. Roberts)
  • ’Spit and Acquit’: Legal and Practical Ramifications of the DA’s DNA Gathering Program, 51 Orange County Lawyer 9 (2009) (with Wallace Wade)


  • Issues with Victim Restitution, National Center for Victims of Crime Conference, Anaheim, CA (September 2015)
  • Teaching in 2015: The Integration of Skills and Social Justice for Modern Lawyering, SALT Teaching Conference, William S. Boyd School of Law at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (October 2014)
  • Questioning a Juvenile’s Capacity for Criminal Liability in Street Gangs Post-J.D.B. v. North Carolina, Southwest Criminal Law Conference, William S. Boyd School of Law at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (September 2012)
  • Reflections on (Almost) 40 Years of the JJDPA and its Rehabilitative Agenda, Association for the Study of Law, Culture & The Humanities 15th Annual Conference, Texas A&M University School of Law (formerly Texas Wesleyan School of Law) (March 2012)
  • A Look at the Overrepresentation of Minority Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Race and Criminal Justice in the West Conference, Gonzaga University School of Law (September 2011)
  • Developing Students’ Identities as Legal Apprentices, Central States Regional Legal Writing Conference, The John Marshall Law School (September 2011)